Friday, September 4, 2009

Sept 8 - 11 : Physical & Chemical Properties

This week we will be finishing up learning about variables and the scientific method. This is what the Rise and Stretch quiz will be on sometime later in the week (either on Wed. or Thurs.). Students will need to pass the quiz in order to participate in the "Stretch" activity. If they don't pass, they will be retaught in the "Rise" class and then retake the quiz.
Hopefully we will be making our class notebooks (folders) this week with all the assignments, labs, and notes for the quarter.
During the rest of our time students will start learning about the physical and chemical properties of different substances. We will be doing a candy classification activity and a cornstarch lab. That is, if we can get everything else done!
Parents - a special note to you. If you have not yet signed the Safety Contract (see link to the right), please do so ASAP so that your student can participate in our labs coming up. Secondly, please help your student remember to have a 10-15min. chat with you about their grades and about what we're doing in science class each week. They will have a blue sheet for you to sign each week (also to the right in the "Useful Links" section, if you need it). I hope that by checking in with your student each week, you'll have a better feel for where they are at and for what we've been doing in my class.
If you have any questions, please email me at:

1 comment:

Holly said...

The Candy Labb link doesn't take you to the correct place. It takes you to the physical and chemical property's notes page.