Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Oct 18-22: Matter and Research

Here's what's on docket for this week!

Monday - R&S Quiz on Physical & Chemical Changes
Tuesday - Matter Notes (pg17)

Wednesday - Boiling and Melting Point Lab (pg18)
Thursday & Friday - Substance research in the library (computers)

We postponed our Rise and Stretch activity this week because of training for many of the teachers on Wednesday. So... instead we'll be having Rise and Stretch next Monday. I'm particularly excited about this one, because my husband who is an RN will be here with some other nurses to introduce the students to some cool medical stuff. They'll be demonstrating CPR, Hymlich, how to take a blood pressure, and how to wash your hands properly (which will definitely come in handy this flu season). I'm excited to have them come and share some useful skills with those who can come to the stretch activity.

Thanks for checking in!

EXTRA CREDIT: What molecule is in the bubbles formed at the bottom of the beaker in the picture of boiling water? Post your answer in a comment for extra credit.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Oct 11-13: Chemical Change Lab & Intro to Research

Another short week....

Monday - Chemical Change Lab
Tuesday & Wednesday - Book research in library about a substance
Thursday & Friday - FALL BREAK!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Oct 4-8: Physical and Chemical CHANGES

Now that students have mastered the physical and chemical property part of the curriculum, they get to move on to how those properties change.

EXTRA CREDIT - What is this a picture of? Post a comment!
Monday - Physical and Chemical change notes (back of pg 11)
Tuesday - Demonstrations pg15 (students looked at 5 different substances and how they behave when mixed and burned... which is why I did this, and they just watched)
Wednesday - Finish up lab and notes
Thursday - Matter HW
Friday - Grading stuff... yay...

It seems like this has been our first full week of school in a really long time... I'm not sure I'm used to it.